"Crazy Chemistry" is an engaging and interactive educational program designed to inspire curiosity and excitement about the world of chemistry. Targeted at students of all ages, this program combines hands-on experiments that are not included in regular chemistry lessons, captivating demonstrations, and interactive discussions to make learning chemistry fun. Join us for a thrilling journey into the fascinating realm of chemistry!
Programme Objectives 活動目標:
1. To do hands-on STEM activities 進行STEM活動
2. To explore chemical principles 探索化學原理
3. To inspire curiosity and foster a love for learning chemistry 激發好奇心並培養對學習化學的熱愛
Self-regulated learning & generic skills 自主學習和共通能力:
1. Collaboration 協作能力
2. Communication 溝通能力
3. Problem-solving Skills 解難能力
3. Self-management 自我管理能力
Value Education 價值教育:
1. Perseverance 毅力
2. Responsibility 責任
4. Empathy 同理心
5. Respect for Others尊重他人
團長: Mr. Derek LamREMARKS 備註: