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We offer scholarships and grants to eligible students who are suited to benefit from our programs. For more details please download the Information Sheet and Application Form.

A. Scholarships

1. Potential Development Scholarships (6-Year Scholarship)
For outstanding academic performance valid until Form 6 for students entering Form 1. The award covers full tuition fees plus an additional subsidy of $20,000 for the Activity Week Programme (AWE).

2. Academic Achievement Scholarships
Awarded each year to students of Form 2-6 for outstanding academic performance obtaining the top 5 year-end score in their form in the last acaedmic year. The award for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place covers full tuition fees. The award for 4th and 5th place covers half tuition fees.

3. Sports and Music Scholarships
For outstanding performance representing Hong Kong in sports / musical organizations at national / international level competitions / performances in the last academic year. The award covers full or half tuition fees and is renewable annually.

4. AWE Scholarships (Forms 1-5)
Awarded annually to students obtaining the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year-end score in their form in the last academic year. The scholarship provides up to $5,000 for AWE programmes.

B. Grants

1. Love and Care Grants (named Progress Grants before 23/24 s.y.) 
Available for all students in financial difficulties who do not qualify for other awards. Candidates must have proof of financial need such as WFSFAA or CSSA documents. The grant covers full or half tuition fees and is reviewed annually. (More information below*)

2. Family Grants
Awarded to all students who enter the school (from 2017-2018 school year onwards) and have 2 unmarried siblings below 21 years of age (brothers or sisters). The grant covers half (for 2 siblings) or full (for 3 or more siblings) tuition fees and is valid for six years annually reviewed.

3. Brother Grants
Awarded on entry to the school to the older / younger brother of an existing student who is liable for full fees. The award covers half tuition fees and is valid for the time the brothers are in the school.

4. AWE Grants (Forms 1-5)
AWE Grants support the participation of students receiving WFSFAA / CSSA in AWE programmes. The full AWE Grant covers up to $2,000 and the half AWE Grant covers up to $1,000.

5. OLE Grants (Forms 1-6)
Awarded to sponsor students to represent Hong Kong in competitions / events / performances outside Hong Kong. The grant covers a maximum of $3,000 per school year.

C. Awards

1. Academic Excellence Awards
For students with outstanding academic achievement obtaining 1st, 2nd or 3rd year-end score in their class (junior form) / their form (senior form). The award is a book token of $200 for 1st, $150 for 2nd and $100 for 3rd.

2. Academic Subject Awards
For students with outstanding academic achievement obtaining 1st, 2nd or 3rd year-end score in their form in specific subjects. The award is a book token of $200 for 1st, $150 for 2nd and $100 for 3rd.

3. Excellent Service Awards (Forms 1-5)
For students with outstanding achievement in service, conduct and merits. The award is a book token of $200.

* Love and Care Grants

•  For students who need financial support, covering fully or partly their tuition fees. AWE Grant will be applied together.

•  Form 1 applicants may submit the application for the Love and Care Grant and AWE Grant with the Admission Application.

•  Level of assistance (Ref. Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA))


Level of Assistance

(CSSA) Comprehensive Social Security Assistance

Full Love and Care Grant
Maximum $2000 AWE subsidy

(SFAA) Certified Financial Assistance for 2024/25 school year – AFI group (HK$0 – 44,495)

Full Love and Care Grant
Maximum $2000 AWE subsidy

(SFAA) Certified Financial Assistance for 2024/25 school year – AFI group (HK$ 44,496 – 86,039)

Half Love and Care Grant
Maximum $1000 AWE subsidy

The WFSFAA uses the "Adjusted Family Income" (AFI) mechanism as the means test to assess the eligibility of a family for student financial assistance and the level of assistance. The AFI mechanism is based on the following formula:


Gross annual income of the family

Number of family members + (1)


Gross annual income of the family includes the annual income of the applicant and his/her spouse; 30% of the annual income of unmarried children / child residing with the family if applicable; and the contribution from relatives / friends if applicable.


The members of a family normally refer to the applicant, his/her spouse, unmarried children / child residing with the family and the dependent parent(s) who are supported by the applicant and/or his/her spouse (Please refer to the Guidance Notes on Application for Assessment of Eligibility for definition of “Dependent Parent”).


For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the ‘plus 1 factor’ in the divisor of the AFI formula will be increased to 2.


AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $53,868 and $49,559 respectively in the 2024/25 school year. For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.

For further details of WFSFAA, please refer to

Financial Assistance (Love and Care Grant) Estimator:

Other financial awards are offered to encourage students to excel in their respective areas of development and performance.

** All scholarships and grants are provided to recipients after review by the Scholarships Committee upon the availability of appropriate information from the applicants and the availability of financial assistance in each category.

Scholarship and Grant Information Sheet

Scholarship and Grant Application Form

Declaration of Family Status Form


Kwan Pui Chun Expo (left), admitted to HKU under the Early Admission Scheme 2007



 The information sheet containing details of the scholarship and grant is available upon request.